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Hansard Society at Festival of Politics


The Hansard Society will be hosting two events at the Festival of Politics in Edinburgh

Women at the Top: Where next for Women in Politics?

Saturday 21 August, 4pm-5pm  –  Committee Room 3, Scottish Parliament

Dr Ruth Fox (Hansard Society)

in conversation with

Joyce McMillan (Hansard Society Scotland and The Scotsman)

The Scottish Parliament and the National Assembly for Wales have been international beacons of progress in establishing higher levels of representation for women in politics. But at the 2007 elections there was a decline in the number of women elected and it’s feared it could be worse still in 2011. After the recent general election campaign in which female politicians had such a low profile, we’ll be discussing what the future holds for women in politics in Scotland and across the UK


Where Do Young People Get Their Political News?

Friday 20th August 11.15 – 12.15   –  Committee Room 1, Scottish Parliament

Michael Raftery, Citizenship and Education Director (Hansard Society)

With newspaper sales declining and readership growing ever older, where do young people obtain information about, and discuss politics? Have blogs and social networks become the political forums of choice for the under 25s? This lively and interactive event will pit ‘old’ against ‘new’ media in deciding which is most relevant in forming young people’s political perspectives. Join Michael Raftery, Director, Citizenship and Education Programme, Hansard Society and other panelists.

Tickets are FREE (£1 booking fee) and can be obtained online, by phone (0131 473 2000), or in person from Hub Tickets at The Edinburgh International Festival Box Office, Castlehill, Edinburgh EH1 2NE, or in person only from the Scottish Parliament (The Main Hall of the Scottish Parliament, Horsewynd, Edinburgh EH99 1SP).

Tickets are also available at:

  • Branches of Waterstones bookshops, throughout central Scotland
  • Blackwells bookshop, 53-62 South Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1YS
  • Selected EAE leaflet displays throughout Scotland

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